
Helping organisations to improve their tech and digital capabilities

If you are looking for strategic tech partner to work closely with your in-house IT team, Cloudthen is your perfect find to assist and coordinate with your tech asset. Manufacturing, medical, training, retail, legal and HR are some of the leading industries we have actively engaged with.

Cloudthen help your company improve in all the areas of your IT and strengthen your tech capabilities. We help organizations with consulting, training, product strategy, app development and cloud services. We incorporate design thinking and put user experience as a core driver of our product approach.

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Hire a full stack tech team for your product build.

Our lean product approach has yielded good results for the product owners and has allowed us to build more user-centric products over an organic feedback. Our scalable product approach help startups to address the main issues they are trying to solve and build the product around it. We work closely with the product owners at all stages of the product development and help iterate the product to get the best outcomes.

With the help of Hybrid engagement model, Product owners are able to mix and match resources without exhausting high budgets and execute effective support strategies with a complete scalability model. We understand the challenges startups go through around funding and we advise accordingly to keep the costs and product lean as possible.


Anil Kumar

CEO & Founder



UI/UX Development

Web Development

Mobile App Development


Chatbots and customer experience (CX)

Quality Assurance

Software development

Software development provides a series of steps for programmers to create computer programs. This process makes up the phases in the software development life cycle. Understanding the software development method offers vast opportunities in the IT industry.

Software consultations

At Inzint, we serve you with end-to-end software consulting and development solutions. We help you plan, conceive, incorporate, build, augment and take care of your software with the help of our industry experts from different knowledge domains - offering y.

Remote Software Teams

Years ago, remote working was considered as a customer service position at below minimum wage, but with the trends changing, it is becoming a full-time career. The technology is making us capable of getting the same job done wherever we are in the world. .