Hello and welcome to Demon-Sushi.com a personal domain for my artsy nerdy projects. This is a WIP for screenreaders. Artist's (me!) description of my webdesign follows. A warm lit sciFi shelf in the wall is before you. Above it a burned out neon sign reads Demon-Sushi. The Dot Com balances atop the tilting shelf. Within the shelf are a bunch of books, which are for your navigation. There is also a jar, and a piece of shrimp Demon Sushi pinned on a stand for examination. The book titles follow. Webrings! Build your own or check out my Pokemon one! Inhuman! my scifi webcomic. Not ScreenReader Friendly Yet Sabrous! A txt based online RPG written by me! Free and very screen reader friendly MUD My other comic & art books are on itchio, this book will take you offsite to that location. Mewtwo Museum, my collection of mewtwo plush & tcg cards. Not Screenreader friendly (yet) Hire me to draw for you! Or make small, simple websites screen-reader friendly like this. audio books i recorded at some point. Clearly pretty friendly to visually limited ppl Beside the books is a glass jar full of ominious warm radiating sticks. It'll take you to Deathsticks Dot Org (my storage domain)
In a funky retro webdesign, the following scrolling link list is randomized & sends u to 24+ friends domains off-site. Curious abt DemonSushi? More by me follows.

An old tube screen flickers low on the wall. On it are links to support me with a few bucks should you care to do so. This particular link leads to patreon dot com ko-fi dot com paypal librapay
a classic pixelated gif from the 90s internets. a traffic cone whirls and whirls forever. Printed on it are the words Under Construction

cial @ deathsticks.org

tshirt shopart shopdownloads

they call me icarus, 2023

But what is demon sushi you ask? Well, here it is. A little maki roll sits before you, perfectly ordinary, except for the bat wings sticking out of its sides... That's it bby hope u enjoyed bye