Burnout, codependence, Emergency Nurse, nurse, Nurse Burnout and Injury, occupational stress, RN, stress, student nurse, The Psoas

Ghosts of Feelings Past

Hey guys, it's me, Allison. I know, I know! I've been gone awhile. You probably thought I ghosted you. If I'm being honest, I suppose I did. In retrospect, I should have left a note explaining that it wasn't you, it was me. I needed some space. But now I'm back, sea-worn and salty, ready… Continue reading Ghosts of Feelings Past

Burnout, Emergency Nurse, gratitude, nurse, RN, stress, Thanksgiving, Uncategorized

Off the Deep End: Finding Gratitude in the Abyss of Adversity

We all know that gratitude can help us build resilience, but how do you find gratitude when you’re in the abyss of adversity?

Burnout, moral distress, nurse, Nurse bullying, occupational stress, RN, stress, student nurse, Uncategorized

Humble Pie: How Stanky Feet Saved My Soul; Reflections on Authentic Care

A not-so-sexy night in the life of this ER NurseIt was slow the night he came in.  He's homeless.  I'm new but I've seen her here a few times already; always really polite and a little quiet, leaves without a fuss once she's got what she needs.  Never asks for anything extra, not pain meds, not… Continue reading Humble Pie: How Stanky Feet Saved My Soul; Reflections on Authentic Care

Burnout, Emergency Nurse, gratitude, nurse, nurse leader, occupational stress, RN

Finding True North

  By the time I finally accepted that I was burned out, things had gotten pretty grim.  I was ready to torch it all and start over doing something- anything- but Nursing.  I remember the moment very distinctly:  I was standing in front of the time clock, badge poised, ready for the swipe out after… Continue reading Finding True North