Panel 1

Care of schools, teachers, and leadership that rebuilds the foundation of early childhood.

Your school is not broken. You, the parent, the caregiver, the teacher – are not broken.

The foundation of early childhood has been overwhelmed and broken. With the ECE workforce diminishing at alarming speeds, teacher and leadership burnout at all time highs, and you- an important person in a child’s life- reaching all time lows, to say intervention is necessary would be an understatement. Intervention is our only option.

Teachers, leadership, and schools need the same care and support they offer, and it should be standard practice to have professional support in managing times of overwhelm, staff shortages, beauty, cleaning, and organization of schools, implementing new programs, or healing workplace conflict and negativity.

As we move forward, together, I hope that the field of early childhood becomes a place not for burn out, but for protecting the inner flame to serve and enrich the lives of children, teachers, and families.

April Reeves

Panel 2

Welcome to The Learning Root.

A collective space for renewing the early childhood work force, reimagining schools, healing philosophical divisions, and rebuilding the broken foundation of early childhood one support system at a time.

And I’m April. Here I am living my best 3 year old life, the year is 1987 and I’m probably about to have a complete melt down about my shoes being dirty.

Today I’m having a melt down about the state of Early Childhood in Colorado and beyond. Covid has revealed how incredibly broken the foundation of early childhood is.

The weight of society has trampled our workforce, taken down some of the world’s best teachers and leaders, and exhausted the hearts of those caregivers that light up our children’s hearts, and make our families feel truly cared for.

Although my heart is exhausted too, I want nothing more than to rethink early childhood as we see it, and I’m not going to wait for change any longer.

I know relief and care for our workforce is possible today, so that we have better schools tomorrow.

April received her degree in Child and Adolescent Development from California State University Fullerton and completed her Masters in Early Childhood Education with an emphasis on Leadership and Organizational Change.

Winner of the Althea B. McLaren award in Arts in Early Childhood and the Robert B. McLaren award in Children’s Moral Development.

Panel 3

Panel 4


Early Childhood Support Initiatives

  • School renewal: Down Cleaning, Organization, Beautification.
  • Professional Development Workshops created for your schools needs
  • Teacher Renewal Day Retreats
  • Program Workshops: environmental psychology in early childhood, documentation practices, student portfolio development, program renewal and reimagining, classroom management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Emergency care for teacher burnout, staff shortages, licensing issues etc.
  • Small and Large project execution