
Gloria Gbemudu

ICF Certified PCC
Certified Professional Co-active Coach Executive Leadership Coach
Facilitator | Trainer



Gloria is on the Faculty of Facilitators of EZ37 Solutions. She Facilitates modules on their Professional Coaching Certification Program. She trains aspiring coaches on the core competencies they need to become professional coaches based on ICF competencies.


She has done several trainings in Nigeria on several topics like Leadership, Team building, Performance Management, Effective Coaching and others with companies like Lagos State Government, CIPM, NLNG, NITDA, etc and has had Coaching Engagements with companies like MTN, LBS and Halogen Group.


Gloria works with a member level of Managers of Managers, Frontline Managers, Individual Contributors and High Potentials. She has under her belt over 800 hours of coaching and has held over 850 coaching sessions. 85% of her clients rate their sessions as Life Changing and Amazing.

Gloria is the Lead Coach of MarkOwens Coaching and Leadership

She is a Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC) trained at the Coaches Training Institute San Rafael California USA. She is also a member of the International Coach Federation and is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), a credential given by the International Coaching Federation (The Gold Standard In Coaching).

Gloria is also a Certified John Mattone Intelligent Leadership Executive Coach. Gloria is a trainer and Facilitator.

Members she has supported live in the USA, Europe, United Kingdom, South Africa, & Nigeria

The industries she’s supported are Technology, Computer Software, Oil & Gas, Real Estate, Custom Software, Financial Services, Hospitality, Research and Development, Consulting, Renewable Electricity, Advertising, Data Collection and others.
She has done several trainings in Nigeria on several topics like Leadership, Team building, Performance Management, Effective Coaching and others with companies like Lagos State Government, CIPM, NLNG, NITDA, etc and has had Coaching Engagements with companies like MTN, LBS and Halogen Group.
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