Selling stamps since 1984.

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THE NEW CURRENT ISLANDS ISSUES ARE LISTED... BIRDS, FLOWERS, QUEEN ELIZABETH, RAIN FOREST, NORTHERN LIGHTS, YEAR OF THE TIGER; NEW specials marked with a (Q) at the end of the listings, check these prices!! NEW Booklets & Panes List is ready at Special Pricing, many at FACE. Sheets at FACE being listed!

Search by Scott number, 2642-46, or item title, Hummingbirds, will provide results for this issue!

As always, Thank You for your patronage!

ps: Rob has completed new radiation treatments in his fight against cancer. Recent medical shows its active - secondary lesions on spine. Never give in, Never give up - sustaining the fight; 7 years since diagnosis of stage 4, metastatic cancer!! Thank you for your prayers; you helped bring us this far and we appreciate your love and support!

Cheers~   Rose 'n' Rob

!!NEWLY LISTED (Q) and (B)!!