Best School In Area

With the vision to develop children holistically.


Best Infrastructure

To accumulate knowledge & to groom personality.


Certified Teachers

Teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart



  • UCSS SCHOOL is a by product of the sapience and wisdom of prominent educationist having an experience of 25 years in same field, the Institution is run under the algis of Universal Grade Education And Welfare Society registered under Society Registration Act 1860, brought into existance in 2014, a humble beginning has now emerged as a healthy fruit bearing tree. Read More
"Dear Parents,

The utmost necessity for living a satisfying and multi-dimensional life lies in organising ‘self’ in different ways. It may be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and holistic perspective. We can understand our ‘self being’ by peeping inward and ‘living within‘; as life separated from within or inner spirit leads to ignorance. We can exceed our ignorance by opening our inner capabilities and bring out inner strength to make ourselves useful members of the society. Read more

Mr.Kanta Kumar Bhatt
  • COVID NOTIFICATION Stay home", "Keep a safe distance", "Wash hands often", "Cover your cough", and "Sick?

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